A Very Salvador Dali State of Mind

Adina421I often find myself in this Dali state of mind. Which is a creatively eccentric state of mind. Everything others may find to be outrageous or scandalous or inexplicable I find both fascinating and inspiring.  I totally believe I’m somewhat of a crazy person. Which is what I most love about me. Because “crazy” means “different”. And I’d rather be anything but ordinary. So I have this surreal vision of life in general and art in particular which I transpose in pretty much everything I create. 

I’d describe myself as a “creatively awkward symbolism and surrealism addict”. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t pretend that I’m an artist of any kind. Because I’m not. I’m just a creative person who likes to create “definitely not ordinary” aesthetics with clothes, make up, sims 4 CC and words. 


I’m actually influenced pretty much by all genres of arts. From Ancient Greek sculpture to Renaissance, from Van Gogh to Frida Khalo, from impressionism to expressionism, from traditional art to pop art, from music to collage and everything in between. But Salvador Dali, Antoni Gaudi, Michael Jackson, Fyodor Dostoevsky and John Galliano – but especially Salvador Dali – are the artists that most inspire me. Not to do copy their style but to be like them: unique, artistically provocative and revolutionary.


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